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Charles Tucker

Construction = Construing

October 18, 2018 - November 10, 2018

The closer things get to nonexistence, the more exquisite and evocative they become.

- Leonard Koren


 Charles Tucker’s recent work explores the aesthetic spaces—specifically the architectural spaces—of daily life through the manipulattion of materials, surfaces, and substructures commonly found in houses and other domestic buildings.


Developed out of Tucker’s on-going Ecologies Project, [Constructions:Construing]  investigates relationships between the external environment and our constructed existence.  The work simultaneously puts together, arranges, controls, breaks, and fragments in its documentation, representations of architectural and domestic function, now reconfigured as unique distinct material forms. Here Tucker returns to questions of memory, ideology, and desire woven together by human activity and interaction, and how sites are intrinsically linked over great distances and times.


Charles Tucker is an artist, researcher, and educator currently serving as Head of Sculpture at Bowling Green State University.  Prior to BGSU,  Tucker taught at the Cleveland Institute of Art where he served as Head of Installation and Sculpture.  He holds an MFA  from the University of Alabama, a BFA from the University of South Alabama, and a BS in biology and geology from Livingston University

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